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macrtools 0.0.4


  • Updated to support R 4.4.0 on macOS.


  • GitHub Actions now tests the package on release and next versions of macOS R’s version.

macrtools 0.0.3

Breaking change

  • We’ve loosened the requirement to have Xcode CLI installed. The package will now accept if you have the IDE installed.
    • Note: The IDE requires significantly more space compared to Xcode CLI. We highly suggest that you install Xcode CLI.



  • Updated the supported version of macOS to macOS Sonoma (14.0.0).
  • Improved the error message when the version of macOS is not supported.
  • xcode_cli_install() and macos_rtools_install() have been modified to skip the installation of Xcode CLI if the full IDE is detected.


  • Switched describing the ARM Mac entries from M1 or M2 to M-series to generalize with how Apple names software.
  • Improved details regarding the paths being chosen for software installed.


  • Updated the GitHub Actions for both R-CMD-check and pkgdown.

macrtools 0.0.2


  • Support the toolchain compilation requirements for 4.3.z series
  • Updated the gfortran binary to the universal v12.2 Fortran installer across both Intel and arm64 platforms.
    • The gfortran path placed into ~/.Renviron is now /opt/gfortran/bin/gfortran.
  • Recipes now supports the darwin20/x86_64 version (macOS 11) for Intel.
    • New installation directories for recipes downloads are given as:
Name Installation Location Target
darwin17/x86_64 /usr/local macOS 10.13, Intel (x86_64)
darwin20/arm64 /opt/R/arm64 macOS 11, Apple M1 (arm64)
darwin20/x86_64 /opt/R/x86_64 macOS 11, Intel (x86_64)

macrtools 0.0.1

Video: Installing and using the {macrtools} package to setup the R Compilation Toolchain for macOS
