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Set of functions that seek to identify whether gfortran was installed, allow gfortran to be installed, and removing gfortran.




gfortran_install(password = getOption("macrtools.password"), verbose = TRUE)

gfortran_uninstall(password = getOption("macrtools.password"), verbose = TRUE)

gfortran_update(password = getOption("macrtools.password"), verbose = TRUE)



Password for user account to install software. Default is NULL.


Display messages indicating status


The gfortran suite of functions attempts to locate, install, and uninstall gfortran based the default installation locations that depend on architecture:

  • Intel (x86_64) and M-series (arm64 or aarch64) for R >= 4.3

    • /opt/gfortran/

    • /opt/gfortran/bin

  • Intel (x86_64) for R < 4.3

    • /usr/local/gfortran

    • /usr/local/bin/gfortran

  • M-series (arm64 or aarch64) for 4.1 <= R < 4.3

    • /opt/R/arm64/gfortran/

    • /opt/R/arm64/bin/gfortran

Check if gfortran is installed

Checks the local file system for whether gfortran is installed in the default installation location.

Installing gfortran

The gfortran_install() function aims to install gfortran into the appropriate location for Intel (x86_64) or M-series (arm64/aarch64) depending on the R version used.

gfortran Installation for R 4.3

The gfortran installer for R 4.3 is a universal installer that places gfortran into the /opt/gfortran for both Intel (x86_64) and M-series (arm64/aarch64) macs.

# Install the downloaded package into root
sudo installer \
  -pkg /path/to/gfortran-12.2-universal.pkg \
  -target /

Once installed, we modify the PATH environment variable to recognize the newly installed software by adding into the ~/.Renviron file the following:

touch ~/.Renviron
cat << "EOF" > ~./Renviron
## macrtools - gfortran: start
## macrtools - gfortran: end

gfortran Installation for Intel Macs (x86_64)

The Intel gfortran installer is a DMG image that is mounted, installed, and unmounted. We're using the following set of R sanitized shell commands:

# Mount the `.dmg` installer image
hdiutil attach "$path_to_dmg" -nobrowse -quiet

# Install the package from DMG image into root
sudo installer \
  -pkg /Volume/gfortran-8.2-Mojave/gfortran-8.2-Mojave/gfortran.pkg \
  -target /

# Unmount the `.dmg` installer image
hdiutil detach /Volumes/gfortran-8.2-Mojave

Lastly, we modify the PATH environment variable to recognize the newly installed software by adding into the ~/.Renviron file the following:

touch ~/.Renviron
cat << "EOF" > ~./Renviron
## macrtools - gfortran: start
## macrtools - gfortran: end

gfortran Installation for M-series Macs (arm64)

The M-series gfortran installer is a tar file that is unpacked into the directory. Depending on the R version, we opt to install either gfortran 12 for R 4.2 or gfortran 11 for R 4.1

If users are on R 4.2 with an M-series mac, then the R sanitized shell commands used are:

curl -O --output-dir /tmp/ "$URL"
sudo mkdir -p /opt/R/arm64/
sudo tar fxz /tmp/gfortran-12.0.1-20220312-is-darwin20-arm64.tar.xz -C /opt/R/arm64/ --strip-components 3
rm  /tmp/gfortran-12.0.1-20220312-is-darwin20-arm64.tar.xz

If users are on R 4.1 with an M-series mac, then the R sanitized shell commands used are:

curl -O --output-dir /tmp/ "$URL"
sudo mkdir -p /opt/R/arm64/
sudo tar fxz /tmp/gfortran-f51f1da0-darwin20.0-arm64.tar.gz -C /opt/R/arm64/ --strip-components 3
rm  /tmp/gfortran-f51f1da0-darwin20.0-arm64.tar.gz

Lastly, we modify the PATH environment variable to recognize the newly installed software by adding into the ~/.Renviron file the following:

touch ~/.Renviron
cat << "EOF" > ~./Renviron
## macrtools - gfortran: start
## macrtools - gfortran: end

Uninstalling gfortran

The gfortran_uninstall() attempts to remove gfortran from the default installation locations described in the details section.

Uninstalling gfortran for Intel Macs

We use the R sanitized shell command of:

sudo rm -rf /usr/local/gfortran /usr/local/bin/gfortran

These uninstall steps are based on:

Uninstalling gfortran for M1 or M2 Macs (arm64)

For M1 or M2 Macs (arm64), we use the R sanitized shell command of:

sudo rm -rf /opt/R/arm64/gfortran/ /opt/R/arm64/bin/gfortran

This aligns with the default path used by CRAN for arm64:

Updating gfortran

The gfortran_update() attempts to update the version of gfortran installed using the provided gfortran-update-sdk inside of /opt/R/arm64/gfortran/bin.

Please be advised that the update command only works for M1/M2 (arm64/aarch64) users on R 4.2 or above.

The update command is issued using an R sanitized version of the shell command:

sudo /opt/R/arm64/gfortran/bin/gfortran-update-sdk


# Check if gfortran is installed
#> [1] TRUE